Jack Nash – John (Prime)
Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta)
Decklan Laela – Jesse
GM- Tod Foley
With the impending trip back to Unaris B rapidly approaching Nash and Reggie pick up Deck to take him shopping for a new pistol. Since they still have some time they decide to shoot for a bit at the range. Turns out with the smart pistol Deck is a better shot than either Reggie or Nash. More importantly Deck actually cracks a joke.
Afterwards they head out to Diaspora where the party has already started. Scilla has invited Jacko and the Helvetica, Cory Jane and a few other people to be on the episode she’s going to film on Unaris B and they are already well into the mood enhancing substances.
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Theme music created by Brett Miller http://www.brettmillermusic.net/