Cypher System Session 6-1

by | Apr 30, 2018 | LoTT Actual Play

Valos (Shadow Raven) – John

Decurro Laren – John

Milo Sonder – Trevor

GM – Jesse

The decision is reached that the ships security is probably on the up and up so Decurro, Valos and Milo head down to the brig to talk with the head of security Brannick. They leave Decurro outside since he’s supposed to be under house arrest and well it’s Decurro. The guard at the duty desk doesn’t want to be bothered so he announces the party to Brannick and send them back. Valos is kind of cagey in explaining the situation and initially Brannick doesn’t believe them until Milo slides one of the pilfered manifest papers across the desk.

At that point Brannick orders Valos to go and collect the halfling Oscar, who initially marked the packages in the cargo hold and to take a guard named Marks with him. He tells Milo to take guardsman Palick and go and compare the manifest sheet to the cargo still on board. On the way out Milo tells Decurro to go and talk with Captain Draggert.

Valos leads guardsman Marks down to Oscar’s room. When he answers the door he looks like shit and he’s not wearing pants. Scanning the room quickly, Valos notices the reader/writer wand along with a rolled up piece of paper and surreptitiously tries to point it out. Marks, not getting the hint or perhaps not caring strolls right in and grabs the items.   Oscar gets upset and starts to argue, and then just bolts out the door with Valos and Marks in hot pursuit.

Meanwhile, Milo and Palick head to the hold. The hole in the side of the Bitter Mother has been patched up about a third of the way and they have pumped out all but about a foot of water. It appears that about half of the Humbleguard cargo has been stolen and one of the packages belonging to Wildill for sure.

Decurro, under cover if darkness, sneaks into Draggert’s quarters in the back of the ship.   Draggert is sleeping, trying to recover from the wounds he received in the fight the other night. Decurro tells him that Pivel is on the take and has screwed Draggert over. To his credit he takes it pretty well and tells Decurro to go and get Brannick and bring him back up to his room so they can come up with a plan. Use Code Legends10 to get 10% off your order

Theme music created by Brett Miller