Leah Looks At: “A Psalm Sung in Spores: Citadel” by John Baltisberger

by | Jul 28, 2024 | Book Reviews, Legends of Tabletop

GENRE: Sci-Fi/Cosmic Horror/Military Horror
AUTHOR: John Baltisberger
PUBLISHER: Madness Heart Press


Rescued from her former life of slavery and subjugation, Paladin Enianna Loret has chosen to devote herself to freeing others that also have been subjected to a similar fate.

Her ship emerges from interstellar travel upon Citadel. A period of peaceful solitude and prayer is interrupted when she finds chaos has erupted across much of the surface of the planet she calls home. An automated security force attacks her ship and forces her to land.

This tale follows Enianna as she discovers the scope of this infection, the processes required to restore the planet she knew and the people she loves, though much has already been irreparably damaged.

Through its unraveling, we see a world exist that welcomes an already and always acceptance of traditionally unaccepted ways of being. Topics of gender and sexuality are addressed with tact and grace. There are occasional editorial missteps I am certain will be addressed over time.

Despite some of the delicate topics listed above, this is a very fast-paced, action-driven adventure with vivid portrayals of extreme violence. Very lively read. A gentle suggestion remains to address minor editorial issues, as they interrupt immersion. I almost added this book to my DNF pile because of them. However, I chose to focus on what I do like about this author and the inclusive nature that surrounds his work, versus my flailing nascent attempts in the past, of trying to cater to an unknown audience of generic social values, pasteurized and sterile.

That’s no fun at all, so bland to have boiled out all the things that make humanity so vibrant.

Even though there’s a generous lack of humans in this story, you’ll find a lot of what makes us, us.