Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: Lichthund
Publisher: Lichthund
Release Date: Sep 27, 2016
Current price on Steam: $9.99, for the game only. The brilliant soundtrack is available with the game in a bundle for $12.73. Both selections can be found HERE.
OS: Windows XP 32 bit
Processor: Intel Core™ 2 Duo 2.0+ GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 9+ Compatible
DirectX: Version 9.0
Storage: 450 MB available space
OS: OS X 10.9
Processor: Intel Core™ 2 Duo 2.0+ GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 2.1 Compatible
Storage: 450 MB available space
(Above data retrieved directly from Steam.)
Sacrifice well-being for the amusement of the gods! (I am certain the word gods could be replaced with the word boss and the situation may begin to sound all-too-familiar.)
In this clever indie game, one controls the timing and direction in which a spear is lobbed towards an oncoming enemy. They have all been quite amusing so far. I have yet to encounter one that wasn’t. The player can choose whatever gender they would like to play.
Controls are simple. I originally classified this as a clicker game, before common sense told me otherwise. Keyboard and mouse controls rule the day here. Left click to throw the spear. The trajectory of the spear is outlined in dashed arrows that suggest the arc the spear will take once it has been thrown.
Additional keyboard controls affect the thrown spear in many ways. The first would be the ability to cleave said spear into three, for example. Triple the stabby action!
Spear skills aside, look at these zombie penguins advancing in a longboat toward the character.
This game has been met with accolades from many larger esteemed publications and has won quite a few awards. It does not lack in ingenuity and imagination. Given the graphically stylish approach to the design of Lichtspeer, I find it chuckle-worthy that the fourth wall is broken and LSD is used as a currency in the “Licht shop” placed on the map screen as you progress between levels.
I will play this game again. That replayability has been reflected in the rating scale that I have granted to it. I know I will to continue to return and uncover more of this map, applying greater effort to skill development as time progresses.
I feel the price tag is more than fair for the entertainment value. As a general rule, I place entertainment value regarding video games as money spent vs. time playing.
I suppose this makes me something of a miser, as I place my rate of satisfaction at about a dollar an hour. I am certain that some of us are old enough to remember dropping quarters into arcade machines at a rate much higher than the one mentioned above. As always, your mileage may vary.

Note my character as she casually strolls in the moonlight, the bodies of her impaled enemies cushioning her footsteps. Pleasing, indeed.
I hereby grant this impishly delightful click’em full of stabby spears
9/10 tentacles
Watch them as they feverishly tremble to the heavens above.
Thank you, Lichthund, for providing us with a most engaging romp throughout your alternative interpretation of mythological intervention!
Find the YouTube trailer HERE.