Leah Looks At: “Shallow Ends” by David James Keaton

by | Jan 29, 2025 | Book Reviews, Legends of Tabletop

Leah Looks At: Shallow Ends by David James Keaton

AUTHOR: David James Keaton
GENRE: Horror

PUBLISHER: Podium Publishing
RELEASE DATE: September 24, 2024
COVER ART: Amanda Shaffer

ISBN: 1039467474
Publication Date:
Price: $19.99

ISBN: 978-1039467477
E-book Price: $7.99

Before the story begins, a preliminary page of this work states where source materials have previously appeared and when. It is strongly recommended the reader grant this humble, easily ignored little page the attention it deserves.
These entries have been revised to varying degrees, as this reviewer has reread a few in their original form.
This reads more like an anthology presented episodically, with a singular storyline that runs beneath to connect them all. The cryptkeeper I want here is either stuck in the driver’s seat or in rights hell.

Of course, the deja vu of eerie familiarity and the sense that I’ve already been here… kept gnawing at pitted edges every time the book was opened.

Now, I know why.

I am free to enjoy this tray of justified desserts for what it is.

On Saturday, I’ll be meeting with David James Keaton to learn more about how this cursed party truck plowed its way from short story all the way through to novel form.