Leah and John talk with Adam Scott Glancy about the Horrors of War Kickstarter, politics and various and sundry other topics. https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/131-adam-scott-glancy http://www.tccorp.com/site09/tccorp_home.html http://www.delta-green.com/...
Delta Green
131 Adam Scott Glancy Interview
Leah and John will be talking with Adam Scott Glancy today! Actually we already talked to Scott, I never posted the link to the website. https://youtu.be/2UAvBP77K1c http://www.tccorp.com/site09/tccorp_home.html http://www.delta-green.com/
Episode 100 (Mp3)
https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/episode-100 Holy crap we're recording episode 100. In June of 2015 we recorded our first ever podcast. It was awkward and short but it started us down the path and we've never looked back. There's been a bit of a learning...
058 Legends of Tabletop Interview with Shane Ivey (Mp3)
https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/shane-ivey-interview I had a great talk with Shane Ivey about Delta Green and who knows what else. Hint…..it’s probably games….. https://delta-green.com https://twitter.com/shaneivey https://twitter.com/DeltaGreenRPG...
058 Legends of Tabletop Interview with Shane Ivey
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w1nkc1g-Ww We're talking with Shane Ivey about Delta Green and who knows what else. Hint.....it's probably games..... https://delta-green.com https://twitter.com/shaneivey https://twitter.com/DeltaGreenRPG http://arcdream.com/home/...
015 Adam Scott Glancy Interview (Mp3)
We talk to the ever loquacious Adam Scott Glancy about Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green and all things geeky. All while he is mauled by his cat Jango. https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/015-adam-scott-glancy-interview
015 Adam Scott Glancy Interview