This panel was recorded way back in 2017 at Tucson Comic Con. At that point we were still pretty new, only 2 years into podcasting. If I had to do it again there's probably a bunch more...
Tucson Comic Con
Mastering Dungeon Mastering Mastering Dungeon Mastering Hankerin Ferinale Join Hankerin Ferinale for a mind-melting dose of creative superfuel for YOUR tabletop game, and how to take it to the next level. All the...
Playing in Big Sandboxes Playing in Big Sandboxes Jeff Mariotte Moderator Marsheila Rockwell Spider-Man, Star Trek, Evil Dead, Dungeons and Dragons, Xena: Warrior Princess, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Superman, 30 Days of...
079 Bruce Logan Panel This is a recording of a panel given at Tucson Comic Con featuring Bruce Logan and moderated by Patty Hawkins. Bruce Logan A.S.C. has been a D.P. in the Commercial and Film Industry for over 30 years. He...