COREthulhu is powered by CORE, the Creative Options Roleplaying Engine. CORE is a blending of traditional and narrative systems with lots of player facing elements. COREthulhu is set in the turbulent, some may...
GM Notes
The Stars Are Right
COREthulhu has been completed and submitted to Drivethru RPG. Of course after having done so Danny pointed out 3 or 4 spelling and grammar issues that we hadn't caught. Jesse and I have become blind to the whole thing really and they were unsurprisingly in the last...
COREthulhu Update
The end of July and pretty much all of August has turned out to be a very slow spot in our schedule. We wrapped up the D&D campaign that Kurt was running for his podcast, The MFGCast and have not yet started a new one. Cthulhu Invictus is on hold for August as...
COREthulhu Playtest 2
We had, what turned out to be, a double playtest last night. Kevin ran our 2nd COREthulhu game and did so using a scenario that he wrote. I had no idea going in, so was really excited when we found out after the fact that he wrote it. The scenario would be great as a...
COREthulhu Playtest – After Action Report
Well, I ran my first playtest of COREthulhu last night. It was kind of a mixed bag, maybe to be expected and I have some thoughts, but, let me back up. What is CORE you may ask? CORE is the Creative Options Roleplaying Engine and was created by game designer Tod...