Gaming Aids

090 Kevin Mason Interview (Mp3) I'm talking with Kevin Mason of Jackmonkey Games about his new Role playing aid Role vs Roll. Role vs Roll helps the GM provide a better game experience for everyone by providing players with a...

Easy Roller Dice Review

Easy Roller Dice Review

Hi my name is John and I have a problem, a dice problem.  I am tortured by the sweet sirens call of polyhedral madness. Its ok, there's no shame in it.  Come on, say it with me.  My name is _______ and I have a dice problem.  Now don't you feel better?  I sure do....

Craft time (stalagmites)

Craft time (stalagmites)

As gamers we're always on the look out for something we can use to spice up our games.  Whether it's twigs and rocks collected from outside or fancy new maps from the FLGS, we want to engage the players and give them the ooo's and ahhh's when they sit down to play....