We talk with Sara Bardi, Dave Felton and Steve Santiago about their work on the new Lovecraft eZine Kickstarter, Autumn Cthulhu
NecronomiCon Wrap up
Home sweet home. Now almost a week later I finally find myself with a little bit of time to sit down and reflect on my first trip to NecronomiCon but where to begin? I wasn't really sure what to expect since my only other Con experience was PAX East and that's a whole...
002 Legends of Tabletop Interviews Mike Davis of The Lovecraft eZine!
We talk life, love, and all things Lovecraftian...and then some. Missed the live Google+ Hangout event? Fret not. Have no desire to watch the recorded YouTube video replay? Weep not, gentle are not bereft and left out in the cold without yer cloak of...