new gaming systems

What to Prepare for when Changing Games

Hi i'm Tondi I've been playing table top role playing games for about ten years and since the very beginning i've been absolutely fascinated by them.  I love them.  I'm lucky enough to have a regular gaming crew and have played in and run long term and short term...

Introducing New Systems

I guess I'll be the first one to tackle the sometimes tricky topic of introducing new gaming systems to your group.  I am not as loquacious as either Neil or Jesse so this could be pretty short, we'll see. When I got back into gaming it was with D&D 4E.  No...

July’s Theme

We're going to try something a little different this month in regards to our articles. There will still be reviews and crafts and other random articles but we're going to have a topic for the month.  If it goes fairly well then we may move to this type of format for...