Notes From the Dungeon Master

Dungeon Talk Round Table 4 It's time to round up the crew and talk about nerdy things again. We meander around board games, roleplaying, Lord of the Rings and enumerable other geeky topics. Grab a beer and enjoy!...

Dungeon Talk Round Table 3 We're going to be talking about Dungeons and Dragons and other geeky topics. The best...

088 GM’s Roundtable We had a players roundtable a while back which probably just degenerated into us bitching about our GM's but now the GM's are up and raring to go. Join Vince, Neil, Jesse Oscar and myself tonight as we delve onto the art of Game Mastering....

MFGCast: Getting Into Character

MFGCast: Getting Into Character

Kurt gets together with Alex from Battlebards, Rohit from Gamers Plane, John from Legends of Tabletop, and Taylor from The Leviathan Files to talk about getting into character. They chat about character backgrounds, character conflict,...

Creating a RPG – The Journey Begins

Hi i'm Tondi I've played many games from many genres, rules heavy & rules light.  I like games that promote role-play but also like power gaming and the mechanics of gaming.  I've been part of the Legends of Tabletop network for about a year now.  I've only made...

Being Your GM’s Best Player

A lot of people talk about what it means to be a good Game Master and how to make your players happy. Well, I'm going to tell you players that it's not all about you. If your GM is not happy with the party, then he is going to make things difficult - if not downright...

Games for Extra Life Charity

So we've joined the MFGNU Team for Extra Life Charities.  You can find our individual page here.  Why should you care?  Well, it's a great cause and you can help kids who really need it but if that's not reason enough how about this? Legends of Tabletop has partnered...

Time for another update

Ok time for another update. Things continue to move forward at a breakneck speed for us here.  Some things we still can't talk about quite yet as we're still working out details but should prove to be pretty exciting once implemented. There are a couple of things we...

Being Your Player’s Best GM

Often times people think that being a Game Master means simply having a story that you want to tell, writing some names down, and then throwing some monsters in for the players to fight. While this is true for the game side of things, what people (and many players)...

Expanding the Empire

As we continue our slow but steady growth we have decided to branch out into another area, actual plays.  There is something in the works that will lend itself to this additional avenue for your entertainment.  I don't want to say anymore then that at the moment but...

Game Master: Friend or Foe?

I've heard of Game Masters described as story tellers, who work with the players at the table to create a dialogue that will eventually evolve into the tale of an epic journey. I've heard of Game Masters as a vile creature of the Underworld, who is tasked with...

Quick Update

Just a quick update, we are continuing to schedule awesome guests for your listening pleasure.  Next up we're going to have Dennis Detwiller on to discuss his upcoming Kickstarter. We have Adam Scott Glancy and Kenn Hite queued up.  The awesome keeps on coming. Vince...

August’s Theme

So the theme for this month is all things conventions.  GenCon has just past and Vince and I are rapidly approaching our trip to NecronomiCon.  We hope to have some cool surprises while we're there. Will we be successful?  You'll have to come back and check us...

What to Prepare for when Changing Games

Hi i'm Tondi I've been playing table top role playing games for about ten years and since the very beginning i've been absolutely fascinated by them.  I love them.  I'm lucky enough to have a regular gaming crew and have played in and run long term and short term...

Introducing New Systems

I guess I'll be the first one to tackle the sometimes tricky topic of introducing new gaming systems to your group.  I am not as loquacious as either Neil or Jesse so this could be pretty short, we'll see. When I got back into gaming it was with D&D 4E.  No...

Balance of the Game Master

Storyteller.  Judge.  Actor.  These are the three bars that are forever fluctuating on the mental interface of a Game - or Dungeon - Master.  They will never be equal, nor should they be, but one should never stray too far from the others.  And allowing one to take...

July’s Theme

We're going to try something a little different this month in regards to our articles. There will still be reviews and crafts and other random articles but we're going to have a topic for the month.  If it goes fairly well then we may move to this type of format for...