Players: Kurt – Michael McShanks (professor) Vince – Matthew Benchley (author) John – Peter Drummond (detective) Neil - GM Will our unlikely heroes be victorious against an ancient evil? Eh,...
The Rise of Xnaaki
The Rise of Xnaaki AP Part 4 (Mp3) Players: Kurt – Michael McShanks (professor) Vince – Matthew Benchley (author) John – Peter Drummond (detective) Neil - GM After surviving their harrowing train ride our luckless heroes arrive in...
The Rise of Xnaaki AP 3 (Mp3) Players: Kurt – Michael McShanks (professor) Vince – Matthew Benchley (author) John – Peter Drummond (detective) Neil - GM After the strange revelation at the jewelers our group catches the train....
The Rise of Xnaaki (CoC) AP 2 Players: Kurt - Michael McShanks (professor) Vince - Matthew Benchley (author) John - Peter Drummond (detective) Neil - GM After accepting the job from Miles Booth, our intrepid heroes head out to...