Doreena Hermula (mysterious huntress) - Regina Malachi ben Zakai (reliable bodyguard) - Niels Herminius Rusticus (cunning finder) - Jesse Macrion (the scholar) – John Keeper - Oscar Rios The party avails themselves of the baths before spending a quiet night at the...
John Haremza
The Worlds of CORE
Well, maybe more specifically COREthulhu and some other stuff I’m working on but all CORE related. It’s been a little while since we’ve had an update, so where do we stand? All and all I things are going pretty good. As noted in the October update, COREthulhu is live...
To Put Away Childish Things Part 4 Lisa - Mildred Danforth Regina - Vivian Pemberton Jesse - Georgie Prince John H - Henry Stanton Oscar - Keeper The crew takes the train to Boston but along the way they're visited by Lynnette in a strange liminal dream space. She warms...
189 Alan Bahr – Heirs of Heresy
I had a great time talking with Alan Bahr about his new game Heirs to Heresy. I heard the playthrough he ran for the Fandible podcast and knew I had to pick this up. Spoilers it's a great book! You are one of the thirty Knights Templar who awoke on Friday, 13 October...
DayTrippers Session 33-2 Dream it All Again
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse GM- Tod Foley * "Zelda of Bosing" does a revolutionary spiel for an invisible camera. * They buy clothes and get on a train for Sacramento. * Nash calls Cordoba, who mistakes him for Paco Venir...
189 Alan Bahr – Heirs to Heresy I'm excited to have Alan Bahr on to talk about his new game Heirs to Heresy. I heard the playthrough he ran for the Fandible podcast and knew I had to pick this up. Spoilers it's a great book! You are one of the thirty Knights Templar who...
What is the CORE RPG System
This is a massive episode! It's been a while since we've had a roundtable discussion and for this show we're going to be talking about CORE. What is it, why should you play it, what makes it different than other systems? Everything you've ever wanted to know about...
DayTrippers Session 33-1 Dream it All Again
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse GM- Tod Foley The team regroups and heals up while hiding out in Dr Mei's makeshift hospital, and Trae finds some interesting data in the Yellow Sunshine loot boxes....
COREthulhu – The Bellyache Heard ‘Round the World 1-2
Vinny DeCarlo (Criminal)- John H Dr. Frederick Feldman (Doctor) - Kurt Joesephine Herindon (Occultist) - Jesse GM - Kevin At the end of spring training in 1925, the New York Yankees were touring southern cities while making their way back north. They would play...
What is the CORE RPG System? It's been a while since we've had a roundtable discussion and for this show we're going to be talking about CORE. What is it, why should you play it, what makes it different than other systems? Everything you've ever wanted to know about...
Corethulhu – The Bellyache Heard ‘Round the World 1-1
Vinny DeCarlo (Criminal)- John H Dr. Frederick Feldman (Doctor) - Kurt Joesephine Herindon (Occultist) - Jesse GM - Kevin At the end of spring training in 1925, the New York Yankees were touring southern cities while making their way back north. They would play...
To Put Away Childish Things Part 3 Lisa - Mildred Danforth Regina - Vivian Pemberton Jesse - Georgie Prince John H - Henry Stanton Oscar - Keeper Our investigators head to Kingsport as the mystery deepens.
50,000 Watt Blowtorch Part 2 Hugh Joshi - Kurt Michael Francis - Jesse Travis Hayes - John H Kevin - GM On 2 November 1920 KDKA Radio in Pittsburgh broadcast the Harding-Cox presidential election results, widely regarded as the world’s first radio broadcast Pittsburgh...
Cthulhu Invictus – Our Beloved Bronwyn 1-2 Doreena Hermula (mysterious huntress) - Regina Herminius Rusticus (cunning finder) - Jesse Malachi ben Zakai (reliable bodyguard) -...
Cthulhu Invictus – Our Beloved Bronwyn 1-1
Doreena Hermula (mysterious huntress) - Regina Herminius Rusticus (cunning finder) - Jesse Malachi ben Zakai (reliable bodyguard) - Neils Macrion (the scholar) - John H Keeper - Oscar Rios The household of Albinus Midiris is in turmoil. A strange illness just swept...
To Put Away Childish Things – Part 2 Lisa - Mildred Danforth Regina - Vivian Pemberton Jesse - Georgie Prince John H - Henry Stanton Oscar - Keeper The mystery surrounding the disappearance of Melvin deepens. HIs fiancé Alice O'Shea appears to have been attacked by a "dead"...
187 Orrin Grey on Licensed Fiction
Leah sit down for a chat with Orrin Grey on writing for licensed fiction. Orrin Grey is the author of several spooky books, among them Guignol & Other Sardonic Tales and Painted Monsters & Other Strange Beasts, both available from Word Horde. His stories about...
COREthulhu is Live COREthulhu is powered by CORE, the Creative Options Roleplaying Engine. CORE is a blending of traditional and narrative systems with lots of player facing elements. COREthulhu is set in the turbulent, some may...
DayTrippers Session 32-2 Sunshine in a Bag
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse GM- Tod Foley After looting Jackson's room the team is noticed by a gang member and makes their getaway. Unfortunately they are pursued and attacked on the street, where Reggie is wounded and...
The Stars Are Right
COREthulhu has been completed and submitted to Drivethru RPG. Of course after having done so Danny pointed out 3 or 4 spelling and grammar issues that we hadn't caught. Jesse and I have become blind to the whole thing really and they were unsurprisingly in the last...
Call of Cthulhu – To Put Away Childish Things Lisa - Mildred Danforth Regina - Vivian Pemberton Jesse - Georgie Prince John H - Henry Stanton Oscar - Keeper This is a 1920s scenario, that begins in New York. It begins with the investigators being hired by an Broadway actress who was...
DayTrippers Session 32-1 Sunshine in a Bag
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse GM- Tod Foley Bento advises that they get off the grid, and stay away from DarkMatter. He will use Lithium Jones as a go-between if he needs to send a message. Nash and Reggie intimidate their...
Cthulhu Invictus – Shadow of the Oak 3-2
Doreena Hermula (mysterious huntress) - Regina Malachi ben Zakai (reliable bodyguard) - Niels Herminius Rusticus (cunning finder) - Jesse Macrion (the scholar) – John Curtius Fronto (surgeon) - Walter Vodemos of the Parisi (gaesatae)- GB Keeper - Oscar Rios After...
Cthulhu Invictus – Shadow of the Oak 3-1
Doreena Hermula (mysterious huntress) - Regina Malachi ben Zakai (reliable bodyguard) - Niels Herminius Rusticus (cunning finder) - Jesse Macrion (the scholar) – John Curtius Fronto (surgeon) - Walter Vodemos of the Parisi (gaesatae)- GB Keeper - Oscar Rios Our party...
DayTrippers Session 31-2 Firefight
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse GM- Tod Foley Reggie is shot through the head by the team leader and begins to lose consciousness, but drawing on a memory of Chip coaching him to play Juliet, he plays dead and his attacker...
DayTrippers Session 38 Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse GM- Tod Foley Shit is happening probably
DayTrippers Session 31-1 Firefight
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse GM- Tod Foley Waiting in the woods, Reggie and Trae discuss psychic phenomena. Reggies is relating a dream he had of being shot in the forehead with Orion's arrow, when the expected Somnambula...
COREthulhu Playtest – 50,000 Watt Blowtorch Kurt Jesse John N John H Kevin - GM On 2 November 1920 KDKA Radio in Pittsburgh broadcast the Harding-Cox presidential election results, widely regarded as the world’s first radio broadcast Pittsburgh in the 1920s was a crowded, dirty...
COREthulhu – The Lightless Beacon 1-2
This is our very first playtest of COREthulhu a new setting using the CORE rules set. CORE is the Creative Options Roleplaying Engine created by Tod Foley and can be found here: In this scenario, investigators...
COREthulhu Playtest – The Lightless Beacon 1-1
This is our very first playtest of COREthulhu a new setting using the CORE rules set. CORE is the Creative Options Roleplaying Engine created by Tod Foley and can be found here: In this scenario, investigators...