CORE Worlds – Runners Playtest Part 2 Tod - Dog Kevin - Mal Malone Kurt - Nitro John H - Alex Watson Jesse - GM Not so long ago, there was war . Nuclear weapons, from country arsenals to terrorist gadgets, were deployed. This left behind large areas of deadly radiation, most...

CORE Worlds – Megamon Demo 1-2

Megan - Rosa Tim - Shelby Kevin - Woodbridge John H - Carter Jesse - GM This game was originally recorded for the Monster Hunt Podcast back over the summer. Jesse had the crazy idea to mash up all of the existing CORE worlds in one game. Tim, Megan and Kevin were all...

The Worlds of CORE

The Worlds of CORE

Well, maybe more specifically COREthulhu and some other stuff I’m working on but all CORE related. It’s been a little while since we’ve had an update, so where do we stand? All and all I things are going pretty good. As noted in the October update, COREthulhu is live...

COREthulhu is Live

COREthulhu is Live COREthulhu is powered by CORE, the Creative Options Roleplaying Engine.  CORE is a blending of traditional and narrative systems with lots of player facing elements.  COREthulhu is set in the turbulent, some may...

The Stars Are Right

The Stars Are Right

COREthulhu has been completed and submitted to Drivethru RPG.  Of course after having done so Danny pointed out 3 or 4 spelling and grammar issues that we hadn't caught.  Jesse and I have become blind to the whole thing really and they were unsurprisingly in the last...