Cthulhu Invictus

Cthulhu Invictus – Ink and Venom 2-2

Doreena Hermula – Regina Malachi ben Zakai – Niels Herminius Rusticus – Jesse Macrion – John H Keeper – Oscar Rios Wherein the investigators come to the aid of Drev of Narbo, a slave and fellow soldier in The Shadow War, as he struggles to locate a missing, suddenly...

Cthulhu Invictus – Ink and Venom 2-1

Doreena Hermula - Regina Herminius Rusticus - Jesse Malachi ben Zakai - Neils Macrion - John H Drev of Narbo - Sean Keeper - Oscar Rio Wherein the investigators come to the aid of Drev of Narbo, a slave and fellow soldier in The Shadow War, as he struggles to locate a...

Cthulhu Invictus – Ink & Venom 1-2

https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/cthulhu-invictus-ink-venom-1-2/s-POcMVhkDTdw?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing Doreena Hermula (mysterious huntress) - Regina Herminius Rusticus (cunning finder) - Jesse Malachi ben...

Cthulhu Invictus – Ink & Venom 1-1

Doreena Hermula (mysterious huntress) - Regina Malachi ben Zakai (reliable bodyguard) - Niels Herminius Rusticus (cunning finder) - Jesse Macrion (the scholar) – John Keeper - Oscar Rios Wherein the investigators come to the aid of Drev of Narbo, a slave and fellow...

Cthulhu Invictus – Our Beloved Bronwyn 5

Doreena Hermula (mysterious huntress) - Regina Malachi ben Zakai (reliable bodyguard) - Niels Herminius Rusticus (cunning finder) - Jesse Vodemos of the Parisi (gaesatae)- Matt Macrion (the scholar) – John Keeper - Oscar Rios We reach the conclusion on the Bronwyn...

Cthulhu Invictus – Our Beloved Bronwyn 4-2

Doreena Hermula (mysterious huntress) - Regina Herminius Rusticus (cunning finder) - Jesse Malachi ben Zakai (reliable bodyguard) - Neils Macrion (the scholar) - John H Vodenos (spearman) - Matt Keeper - Oscar Rios The investigators have succeeded in finding Bronwyn...

Cthulhu Invictus-Our Beloved Bronwyn 4-1

Doreena Hermula (mysterious huntress) - Regina Herminius Rusticus (cunning finder) - Jesse Malachi ben Zakai (reliable bodyguard) - Neils Macrion (the scholar) - John H Vodenos (spearman) - Matt Keeper - Oscar Rios The investigators have succeeded in finding Bronwyn...