
NecronomiCon pics

I should probably have included this link with my post NecronomiCon wrap up but it didn't occur to me at the time.  Either way here's the link to our pics from the Con, just click here

NecronomiCon Wrap up

NecronomiCon Wrap up

Home sweet home. Now almost a week later I finally find myself with a little bit of time to sit down and reflect on my first trip to NecronomiCon but where to begin? I wasn't really sure what to expect since my only other Con experience was PAX East and that's a whole...

August’s Theme

So the theme for this month is all things conventions.  GenCon has just past and Vince and I are rapidly approaching our trip to NecronomiCon.  We hope to have some cool surprises while we're there. Will we be successful?  You'll have to come back and check us...