Star Frontiers

Star Frontiers Session 4 The Streel Inquiry – The Mikomi requires an enormous amount of supplies to support its 4,000 inhabitants (as well as the 8,000 still in cryogenic storage). It purchases goods from several friendly ports but over the last year...

Star Frontiers Session 2 John - Korass (Saurian) Vince - Logan (Human) Tim - Gluto (Dralasite) Jon - Tik Tik (Vrusk) Oscar - GM The guys take an all expenses paid trip to a hunting lodge on Fallow. Surely nothing bad could...

Star Frontiers Session 1 John - Korass (Saurian) Vince - Logan (Human) Tim - Gluto (Dralasite) Oscar - GM One night at the Geisha Nova club gets our players mixed up with the Targan Mafia. I think we're going to need a...