5th Edition

Dungeons and Dragons Session 4-1

https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/dungeons-and-dragons-session-4-1 Kyrixes Goldenflame – John Spritle Chudforth – Dan Njorvold Anvilesmite – James Diro Kalamire – Gabe Sled - Aaron DM – Vince The party rests and recuperates after a grueling battle in the...

Dungeons and Dragons Session 3-2

https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/dungeons-and-dragons-session-3-2 Kyrixes Goldenflame – John Spritle Chudforth – Dan Njorvold Anvilesmite – James Diro Kalamire – Gabe Sled - Aaron DM – Vince We pick up this episode in medias res as the fight rages all over...

Dungeons and Dragons Session 3-1

https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/dungeons-and-dragons-session-3-1 Kyrixes Goldenflame – John Spritle Chudforth – Dan Njorvold Anvilesmite – James Diro Kalamire – Gabe Sled - Aaron DM – Vince The warehouse outside the office is abuzz with activity as thugish...

Dungeons and Dragons Session 2-2

https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/dd-session-2-2 With the party plunged into darkness by Diro’s quick thinking or lack there of, the party struggles to fight the mage. “Luckily” Diro subsequently lights a torch allowing the group to see and Kyrixes to finish...

Dungeons and Dragons Session 3

https://youtu.be/Hb6GzCvHZXs Join us as we tackle the thorny problem of a warehouse full of members of the Dead Rat Gang. Should be a blast. Combat heavy episode tonight folks Kyrixes Goldenflame – John Spritle Chudforth – Dan Njorvold Anvilesmite – James Diro...

D&D 5th Edition Campaign Session 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNZ8NR6qIMA We're kicking off our new 5th edition D&D game tonight. It will be a monthly campaign with session running about 4-6 hours. The game will be featuring Dwarven Forge tile sets. John - Kyrixes Goldenflame Dragonborn fighter...