As If Productions

Other Borders Session 4 Filippo "The Great" Pacini - Shawn Manny Velazquez - Jesse Javier Castilllo - John GM – Tod We're getting back to our Other Borders game tonight! Use Code...

DayTrippers Session 19 Jack Nash – John Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Charles (Chip) Parsons – Jesse GM- Tod Foley Reggie and Nash deal with the fallout from their mission to Drir.  ...

DayTrippers Session 18 Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) GM- Tod Foley I don;t know what we're doing tonight but I'm excited to be playing again! Use Code...

Other Borders Session 2 Filippo "The Great" Pacini - Shawn Manny Velazquez - Jesse Javier Castilllo - John GM - Tod A modern-day game of drugs, money and magic in the American southwest. There are borders everyone sees: the looming fence with its sporadic...

Other Borders Session 1 Filippo "The Great" Pacini - Shawn Manny Velazquez - Jesse Javier Castilllo - John GM - Tod A modern-day game of drugs, money and magic in the American southwest. There are borders everyone sees: the looming fence with its sporadic...

DayTrippers Session 9-2 (Birthday Bash) Jack Nash – John Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) GM- Tod Foley   Reggie and Nash reluctantly follow Scilla and Corey through the forest on their quest for bubble fruit.   Not...

DayTrippers Session 13 Jack Nash – John Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) GM- Tod Foley The crew waits on Inra for a for a resupply

DayTrippers Session 12 Jack Nash – John Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) GM- Tod Foley Reggie, Nash and the crew need to make the long trek back to the ship on dwindling supplies and power to their suits.

DayTrippers Session 6-1 (Detox at Reggie’s) Jack Nash – John Charles (Chip) Parsons – Jesse Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) GM- Tod Foley Reggie and Nash wrestle with Chip’s addiction to zoom zoom. They convince Chip to come back...

DayTrippers Session 8 Jack Nash – John Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) GM- Tod Foley Use Code Legends10 to get 10% off your order

DayTrippers Session 7

Jack Nash – John Charles (Chip) Parsons – Jesse Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) GM- Tod Foley While Chip undergoes detox at Diaspora Ranch, Nash and Reggie (under their new identities) meet with the guys from DarkMatter Inc to discuss their situation, and a plan is put...

DayTrippers Session 6 Jack Nash – John Charles (Chip) Parsons – Jesse Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) GM- Tod Foley After the successful mission to retrieve Joan Marlow the guys try and regroup and make their next move. Chip has been inadvertently hooked on Zoom...

DayTrippers Session 5 (The Rat Pack) Jack Nash – John Charles (Chip) Parsons – Jesse Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) GM- Tod Foley Reggie and Jack try and save Chip and the missing scientist. Use Code...