Extra Life

MFGCast Extra Life 2015 w/GNU Podcast

MFGCast Extra Life 2015 w/GNU Podcast

This episode we talk with the GNU Podcast about our Extra Life game days at our great local game stores, the wonderful people we'd like to thank for helping us out for our Extra Life campaign, and how well we did for the wonderful Extra Life Charity! Plus we announce...

Games for Extra Life Charity

So we've joined the MFGNU Team for Extra Life Charities.  You can find our individual page here.  Why should you care?  Well, it's a great cause and you can help kids who really need it but if that's not reason enough how about this? Legends of Tabletop has partnered...

Time for another update

Ok time for another update. Things continue to move forward at a breakneck speed for us here.  Some things we still can't talk about quite yet as we're still working out details but should prove to be pretty exciting once implemented. There are a couple of things we...