The guys continue their conversation with Edward, ultimately agreeing to join the organization. In for a penny in for a pound as they say. Their first mission is to head out to Philadelphia to...
Horror rpg
Fear Itself Session 7-1 Jack Crandall - Brett Erin Shaughnessy - John Randy Anders - Kurt GM - Neil After things settle down Erin calls his mom to see if everything is ok over there. With everything up in the air they kick...
078 Interview with Jeff Richard of Chaosium (Mp3) Leah is talking with vice president and creative director, Jeff Richards of Chaosium. Jeff Richard is Vice President and Creative Director for Chaosium. He is the lead author of the Guide to...
Fear Itself Session 6-2 Jack Crandal - Brett Randy Anders - Kurt Erin Shaughnessy - John GM - Neil Bracing himself for the worst Erin gains his feet and finds himself in the empty living room. Jack and Randy enter close...
Fear Itself Session 5-1 Brett - Jack Crandal Kurt - Randy Anders John - Erin Shaughnessy Neil - GM Jack bribes the clerk to physical copies of maps of the area, since he is proving less then helpful. As they are looking the...
Fear Itself Session 5-1 With the creature, now dubbed the Doamna, vanquished the guys try and get back to some level or normalcy. Jack bugs out and heads up to Alaska on a long run, Randy watches a lot of movies and reads a...
Fear Itself Session 4-2 John - Erin Shaughnessy Kurt - Randy Anders Brett - Jack Crandal Neil - GM With the creature now vanquished Jack and Erin take stock of their situation. As they’re taking footage of the creature with...
Fear Itself Session 5 The creepy monster has been vanquished, now the guys need to regroup and pick up the pieces.
Fear Itself Session 1 Part 2 Randy, Jack and Erin head out to the cemetery where Jason is already waiting. Randy has an "accident" that requires a change of clothes before they get run off. Once they are safely back at...