monte cook games

Cypher System Session 13-2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse Not only does Decurro’s new best friend tell him that the Northerners are planning on moving out within the...

Cypher System Session 13-1 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse Having regrouped at the base of the Cliffside the guys decide the easiest way to get inside is to climb the...

Cypher System Session 12-2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse The guards arrive at the tripwire and Valos and Decurro attack, immediately dropping the leader.   Decurro also...

Cypher System Session 12-1 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse With the wagon being gone, Milo uses his powers to jump up into a tree to try and get a better lay of the...

Cypher System Session 11-2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder – Trevor GM – Jesse Milo uses his ability to far step to quickly catch up to the wagon and see how far ahead they are and then...

Cypher System Session 11-1 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse   Valos waits impatiently at the Northern gate while the artifact and the Northerners make their way out...

Cypher System Session 12 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse   Decurro, Milo and Valos continue their pursuit of the artifact through the wilderness. Use Code...

Cypher System Session 9-2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse Decurro, Valos and Milo continue to interrogate the Captain. The ship is part of the Abendon military and they...

Cypher System Session 9-1 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse Combat continues with out desperate band eventually winning the day. The man in the bird mask literally turns into a...

Cypher System Session 8-2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse Valos, Decurro and Milo beach their boat and make a break for it towards he ship. They’re able to get close...

Cypher System Session 7-2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse With the party cajoling and threatening Pivel he sends another message to his handlers.   Unfortunately the...

Cypher System Session 7-1 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse In the aftermath of the attack on the Bitter Mother, Decurro, Milo and Valos head below decks to check on...

Cypher System Session 6-2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse As Milo begins to make his way back to the Brig, Oscar comes running around the corner with Valos and Marks in...

Cypher System Session 10 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse With the raiders dispatched Decurro, Milo and Valos find themselves "in control" of a ship....

Cypher System Session 5-2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse The party recovers to find that Myra is gone, all that remains is a blackened bit of sand smelling faintly of sulfur....

Cypher System Session 5-1   Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse Valos and Decurro begin setting up camp while Myra is in deep meditation. Milo kicks back and relaxes. Since...

Cypher System Session 9 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John H Decurro Laren - John N Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse The battle against Commander Morran and his cronies continues. Use Code Legends10 to get 10% off your...

Cypher System Session 7 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse The Bitter Mother is reeling from another attack, Captain Draggert is unconscious and Pivel is nowhere to be found.  With things falling down around them it's...

Cypher System Session 4-2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse When Valos finds Draggert he is unconscious after having been savaged by one of the rasters.   Pivel is muttering to...

Cypher System Session 4-1 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse With the klaxon blaring away Myra slowly snaps herself out of her stupor. Assessing the situation, her first move is...

Cypher System Session 6 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse Maybe Decurro and Valos are going to sneak in to see Captain Draggert? Use Code...

Cypher System Session 5 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse The group finds themselves on an island of raster. Most likely nothing will go wrong.....right?...

Cypher System Session 3-2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse   Valos is topside looking for Decarro when the Bitter Mothers’ alarm goes off. Looking around he...

Cypher System Session 2-2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse Milo spends his time following up on the names he found in Pivel’s book. Myra tries to talk to him about...

Cypher System Session 2-1 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse   After retrieving Pivel’s book for Milo, Decarro goes to sleep leaving Myra and Valos in the ships...

Cypher System Session 4 At the end of our last session the Bitter Mother was attacked by rasters, giant bat-like creatures. While everyone was distracted another group of attackers planted bombs on the pontoons of the ship causing a massive explosion. Valos...

Cypher System Session 3 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse Still a few days from Hielund, what other trouble can our lovable band of miscreants get up to? Use Code Legends10 to...

Cypher System Session 1-2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM - Jesse Milo stealthily follows First Mate Pivel around the ship and eventual back to his room. Trying to be...

Cypher System Session 1-1 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurros Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse   Decurros Laren has recently found a power source while exploring. Always looking to make a buck...

Cypher System Campaign Session 2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM - Jesse Use Code Legends10 to get 10% off your order!   Use code legendsoftabletop for...