John Haremza

DayTrippers Session 33 Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse GM- Tod Foley With Reggie recovering from yet another gunshot wound, the team continues their mission in Union City, investigating the link between the Yellow...

184 Gaming in the Time of Covid We haven't done a "regular" episode in a while so I asked some of our friends to jump on and talk about how they've been dealing with the specter of covid and if they've been gaming. Towards...

184 Gaming in the Time of Covid We haven't done a "regular" episode in a while so I asked some of our friends to jump on and talk about how they've been dealing with the specter of covid and if they've been gaming. Kevin - Sean -...

DayTrippers Session 23-2 – The Bottom Line

Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Decklan Laela- Jesse GM- Tod Foley Despite his ability to see through the holodeck’s virtual reality Decklan still finds himself subject to its effects. Reggie tackles Deck to the ground slapping him to break him...

Cthulhu Invictus – Shadow of the Oak Doreena Hermula (mysterious huntress) - Regina Herminius Rusticus (cunning finder) - Niels Malachi ben Zakai (reliable bodyguard) - Jesse Macrion (the scholar) - John H Keeper - Oscar Rios The investigators travel through Camulodunum,...

DayTrippers Session 23-1 -The Bottom Line Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Decklan Laela- Jesse GM- Tod Foley It’s a quiet day at Dark Matter with no mission currently on deck. Bento has...

DayTrippers Session 32 Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae- Jesse GM- Tod Foley With the team fully recuperated it's time to interrogate the remaining merc and plan the take down of Somnambula.

Horror on the Tabletop – GenCon Panel A panel of horror experts discuss how to bring horror to your RPG table! Join Brian Holland, Amanda Hamon, Mike Mason, Crystal Mazur, and Tomas Harenstam as the discuss topics...

Rogue Trader Session 26-2 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kynnoch (Navigator) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Jon Emmaus Kore (Void Master) – Kevin GM – Neil We find out early on that Kynnoch has...

Rogue Trader Session 26-1 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kynnoch (Navigator) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Jon Emmaus Kore (Void Master) – Kevin GM – Neil Jarnan talks with Karnot Stand and gives...

DayTrippers Session 31 Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Decklan Laela- Jesse GM- Tod Foley Deck and Reggie are in the car on the side of the road waiting to see if anyone comes to grab the drone Deck shot down. Nash is at home getting...

Fear Itself Session 23-2 Smash and Grab Jack Crandall – Brett Randy Anders – Kurt Erin Shaughnessy – John GM – Neil Jack heads over to the school to meet with the cleaning crew. He tells them he’s not feeling...

The Harvest Moon Hunt Doreena Hermula (mysterious huntress) - Regina Herminius Rusticus (cunning finder) - Niels Malachi ben Zakai (reliable bodyguard) - Jesse Marcion (the scholar) - John H Keeper - Oscar Rios Wherein the investigators come upon a small...

Fear Itself Session 32-1 Smash and Grab Jack Crandall – Brett Randy Anders – Kurt Erin Shaughnessy – John GM – Neil Erin and Randy meet up with Jack at a local McDonalds to debrief. As is typical with any Fear...

The Door Into Darkness with Annie Ward The following panel deals with negative character story arcs. Annie’s sophomore novel and first psychological thriller BEAUTIFUL BAD was published by Harper Collins/Park...

Rogue Trader Session 27 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kynnoch (Navigator) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Jon Emmaus Kore (Void Master) – Kevin GM – Neil Things probably come to a head tonight?...

DayTrippers Session 22-2 The Planet Eater Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Decklan Laela- Jesse GM- Tod Foley Various attempts at inhibiting the Hlorg have proven ineffective as Chip...