Actual Play

Rogue Trader Session 7-2 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kayne Lomelin (Arch Militant) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Jon Emmaus Kore (Void Master) – Kevin GM – Neil   Combat continues with the Khymera...

Cypher System Session 5 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse The group finds themselves on an island of raster. Most likely nothing will go wrong.....right?...

Rogue Trader Session 7-1 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kynnoch (Navigator) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Jon Emmaus Kore (Void Master) – Kevin GM – Neil   The Heretics Bane arrives at their destination...

Call of Cthulhu (one shot) Kevin is going to be running Dani, Neil and John through a Call of Cthulhu 7th edition one shot tonight. Madame Blanca (traveling fortune teller) - Dani Henry Livingston - John Rock Garrett - Neil GM - Kevin...

Cypher System Session 3-2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse   Valos is topside looking for Decarro when the Bitter Mothers’ alarm goes off. Looking around he...

DayTrippers Session 5 (The Rat Pack) Jack Nash – John Charles (Chip) Parsons – Jesse Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) GM- Tod Foley Reggie and Jack try and save Chip and the missing scientist. Use Code...

Cypher System Session 3-1 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder – Trevor GM – Jesse As the Bitter Mother passes the halfway mark to Highland, Valos approaches Milo about a personal matter...

Fear Itself Session 15 Jack Crandall – Brett Randy Anders – Kurt Erin Shaughnessy – John GM – Neil As night wears on Old Sheamus leaves the the bar with a warning for the boys to do the same and be on the lookout for the clootie.  ...

Rogue Trader Session 10 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kynnoch (Navigator) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Jon Emmaus Kore (Void Master) – Kevin GM – Neil   Priority #1 fix the ship. Priority #2 Kill heretics?  ...

Rogue Trader Session 9 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kayne Lomelin (Arch Militant) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Jon Emmaus Kore (Void Master) – Kevin GM – Neil Use...

Rogue Trader Session 6-2   Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kayne Lomelin (Arch Militant) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Besse Emmaus Kore (Void Master) - Kevin GM – Neil It turns out that Kayne’s method of...

Rogue Trader Session 6-1 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kayne Lomelin (Arch Militant) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Jon Emmaus Kore (Void Master) – Kevin GM – Neil During the month that the Heretics Bane is...

Cypher System Session 2-2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse Milo spends his time following up on the names he found in Pivel’s book. Myra tries to talk to him about...

Cypher System Session 2-1 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse   After retrieving Pivel’s book for Milo, Decarro goes to sleep leaving Myra and Valos in the ships...

Fear Itself 12-2 Jack Crandall – Brett Randy Anders – Kurt Erin Shaughnessy – John GM – Neil With their ill conceived plan locked and loaded Erin knocks on the door. Jack tries to convince the “alien” that Sam told us...

Fear Itself Session 12-1 Jack Crandall – Brett Randy Anders – Kurt Erin Shaughnessy – John GM – Neil Jack, Randy and Erin sit pensively in their rented car waiting for someone to exit the drug house when jack expresses...

Cypher System Session 4 At the end of our last session the Bitter Mother was attacked by rasters, giant bat-like creatures. While everyone was distracted another group of attackers planted bombs on the pontoons of the ship causing a massive explosion. Valos...

Rogue Trader Session 5-2 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kayne Lomelin (Arch Militant) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Jon Emmaus Kore (Void Master) – Kevin GM – Neil   The negotiations continue as Venari...