Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse GM- Tod Foley After looting Jackson's room the team is noticed by a gang member and makes their getaway. Unfortunately they are pursued and attacked on the street, where Reggie is wounded and...
As If Productions
DayTrippers Session 32-1 Sunshine in a Bag
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse GM- Tod Foley Bento advises that they get off the grid, and stay away from DarkMatter. He will use Lithium Jones as a go-between if he needs to send a message. Nash and Reggie intimidate their...
DayTrippers Session 31-2 Firefight
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse GM- Tod Foley Reggie is shot through the head by the team leader and begins to lose consciousness, but drawing on a memory of Chip coaching him to play Juliet, he plays dead and his attacker...
DayTrippers Session 38
https://youtu.be/nuLlgkAzLhU Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse GM- Tod Foley Shit is happening probably https://www.patreon.com/asif http://daytrippersrpg.com https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/323467/CORE-Micro...
DayTrippers Session 31-1 Firefight
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse GM- Tod Foley Waiting in the woods, Reggie and Trae discuss psychic phenomena. Reggies is relating a dream he had of being shot in the forehead with Orion's arrow, when the expected Somnambula...
COREthulhu Playtest – 50,000 Watt Blowtorch
https://youtu.be/S6xnr6O5Nd4 Kurt Jesse John N John H Kevin - GM On 2 November 1920 KDKA Radio in Pittsburgh broadcast the Harding-Cox presidential election results, widely regarded as the world’s first radio broadcast Pittsburgh in the 1920s was a crowded, dirty...
COREthulhu – The Lightless Beacon 1-2
This is our very first playtest of COREthulhu a new setting using the CORE rules set. CORE is the Creative Options Roleplaying Engine created by Tod Foley and can be found here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/323467/CORE-Micro In this scenario, investigators...
COREthulhu Playtest – The Lightless Beacon 1-1
This is our very first playtest of COREthulhu a new setting using the CORE rules set. CORE is the Creative Options Roleplaying Engine created by Tod Foley and can be found here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/323467/CORE-Micro In this scenario, investigators...
DayTrippers Session 30-2 Goodbye, Nice to Know You
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse GM- Tod Foley Trae comes out to find Reggie passed out in the car, and wakes him up. He explains what has happened to him, and gets in. While leaving the Maldives someone shoots out their rear...
DayTrippers Session 30-1 Goodbye, Nice to Know You
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Decklan Laela - Jesse GM- Tod Foley Leaving Reggie's place, Deck heads home and uploads all his data to the klatch. He then scours the net until he finds a Somnambula employee he can piggyback on to get inside the...
COREthulhu Playtest – After Action Report
Well, I ran my first playtest of COREthulhu last night. It was kind of a mixed bag, maybe to be expected and I have some thoughts, but, let me back up. What is CORE you may ask? CORE is the Creative Options Roleplaying Engine and was created by game designer Tod...
COREthulhu Playtest – The Lightless Beacon
https://youtu.be/HC2osDvsxks Tonight is going to be our very first playtest of COREthulhu a new setting using the CORE rules set. CORE is the Creative Options Roleplaying Engine created by Tod Foley and can be found here:...
DayTrippers Session 37 – You Are Not Home
https://youtu.be/PdZ1Bs1Ns_4 Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse Frank Frass - Niko Carcosa GM- Tod Foley Join us as we begin the final season of our epic DayTrippers campaign. Nash, Reggie and Trae discover that the current Earth...
DayTrippers Session 29-2 Unwanted Attention
https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/daytrippers-session-29-2-unwanted-attention/s-urWV0vTx3vw Jack Nash – John (Prime)Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta)Decklan Laela - JesseGM- Tod Foley Later that afternoon, Deck reveals that he has knowledge of a datasphere...
DayTrippers Session 29-1 Unwanted Attention
https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/daytrippers-session-29-1-unwanted-attention/s-S8efrw73zuo Jack Nash – John (Prime)Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta)Decklan Laela - JesseGM- Tod Foley Scilla leaves for a family event on Exodem V. While she's away, Nash learns...
DayTrippers Session 28-2 Tricks of the Trade Part 4
https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/daytrippers-session-28-2-tricks-of-the-trade-part-4/s-dLpCHcMyNOW Jack Nash – John (Prime)Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta)Decklan Laela - JesseGM- Tod Foley Reggie, Nash and Deck slowly come to the realization that they aren't...
DayTrippers Session 28-1 – Tricks of the Trade Part 4
After a hasty retreat from Unaris B the group finds themselves back on Earth but things might not be exactly what they seem. http://daytrippersrpg.com http://www.fictioneers.net/ https://www.birdscoffeecompany.com/coffees/legends-of-tabletop-legendary-brew Use Code...
DayTrippers 27-2 Tricks of the Trade (part 3)
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Decklan Laela - Jesse GM- Tod Foley Music by Captive Portal https://captiveportalmusic.com/ http://daytrippersrpg.com http://www.fictioneers.net/...
DayTrippers 27-1 Tricks of the Trade (Part3)
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Decklan Laela - Jesse GM- Tod Foley With the impending trip back to Unaris B rapidly approaching Nash and Reggie pick up Deck to take him shopping for a new pistol. Since they still have some time they decide to...
DayTrippers Session 26-2 Tricks of the Trade (Part 2)
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Decklan Laela - Jesse GM- Tod Foley Charlie is pretty insistent that he wants to go with Reggie, Nash and Deck back to Earth. They spend a bit of time arguing about it before Charlie relents and floats off into...
DayTrippers Session 26-1 Tricks of the Trade (Part 2)
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Decklan Laela - Jesse GM- Tod Foley Rera leads Nash, Reggie and Deck towards a large barn-like building in town. As they're walking and talking they realize that Rera seems to be assimilating more and more of...
DayTrippers Session 36 – Out of the Blue
https://youtu.be/7rTK1nywuSQ Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse Frank Frass - Niko Carcosa GM- Tod Foley With the whole world in panic around them, the team rushes to Somnambula headquarters to confront The Frank....
DayTrippers Session 35
https://youtu.be/TmSJ-rkD08w Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse GM- Tod Foley On the run and far from home, the guys try and figure out how to best deal with not only Cordoba and Somnambula but also the mysterious figure known as...
DayTrippers Session 25-2 Tricks of the Trade (Part 1)
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Decklan Laela – Jesse GM- Tod Foley Reggie is easily able to make the slip jump to Unaris B and puts the Bago down right outside the town. While they are debating the best course of action to cat people come up to...
DayTrippers Session 25-1 Tricks of the Trade (Part 1)
https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/daytrippers-session-25-1-tricks-of-the-trade-part-1/s-lI5KjfDwVOe Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Decklan Laela - Jesse GM- Tod Foley The guys are in a meeting with Scilla discussing their first...
DayTrippers Session 24-2 A Fresh New Start
https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/daytrippers-session-24-2-a-fresh-new-start/s-k8io07RebGv Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Decklan Laela - Jesse GM- Tod Foley Reggie, Nash and Deck wake to a gray, rainy day. Deck is downstairs making...
DayTrippers Session 24-1 A Fresh New Start
https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/daytrippers-session-24-1-a-fresh-new-start/s-Cd6Uz8QvbqH Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Decklan Laela - Jesse GM- Tod Foley Reggie starts acting a bit squirrelly when the group leaves the restaurant...
DayTrippers Session 33
https://youtu.be/CYgj0Mg3_Kk Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Trae Mowaka- Jesse GM- Tod Foley With Reggie recovering from yet another gunshot wound, the team continues their mission in Union City, investigating the link between the Yellow...
DayTrippers Session 23-2 – The Bottom Line
Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Decklan Laela- Jesse GM- Tod Foley Despite his ability to see through the holodeck’s virtual reality Decklan still finds himself subject to its effects. Reggie tackles Deck to the ground slapping him to break him...
DayTrippers Session 23-1 -The Bottom Line
https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/daytrippers-session-23-1-the-bottom-line/s-MkO2grgEWRq Jack Nash – John (Prime) Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) Decklan Laela- Jesse GM- Tod Foley It’s a quiet day at Dark Matter with no mission currently on deck. Bento has...