Sci Fi

Rogue Trader Session 4-2 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kayne Lomelin (Arch Militant) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Besse Emmaus Kore (Void Master) - Kevin GM – Neil The team spreads out and determines the...

Cypher System Session 0 (Mp3) Join us as we begin our journey into a new campaign set in Jesse’s homebrew world using Cypher System. Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM - Jesse When...

Cypher System Session 1 Tonight begins our journey into a new and fantastic world.  Our adventure begins on-board the ship, The Bitter Mother. Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM - Jesse...

Rogue Trader Session 4 Tonight the crew of the Heretic's Bane confront the warp tainted Rogue Trader Harstack. Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kayne Lomelin (Arch Militant) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Besse Emmaus Kore (Void Master) - Kevin GM –...

Rogue Trader Session 3-2 Descending into the broken wreckage of Harstack’s cruiser the party is greeted by the soft red glow of the emergency lights. It’s slow going as they make their way through the labyrinthine passages...

FAITH The Sci-fi RPG by Burning Games

Hey everyone, we we're unfortunately unable to get the guys from Burning Games on the podcast due to scheduling issues but we're able to conduct an email interview instead.  Hope you enjoy it and check out the Kickstarter.   Tell us a little bit about FAITH?...

Rogue Trader Session 3-1 The crew of the Heretics Bane makes its preparations to follow Rogue Trader Harstack. Following the trajectory that they were given they make the jump into the warp, which the navigator estimates will...

Daytrippers Actual Play The time is shortly after the year 2100, the location is the first world. Massive megacorporations dominate the economic landscape and incredible advances in technology make the most miraculous things possible, from genetic modification to...

Rogue Trader Session 2-2 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kayne Lomelin (Arch Militant) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Besse Emmaus Kore (Void Master) - Kevin GM - Neil Upon returning to the ship and finding the...

Rogue Trader Session 2-1 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kayne Lomelin (Arch Militant) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun   (Missionary) – Besse Emmaus Kore   (Void Master) - Kevin GM - Neil The Heretic's Bane exits the warp and...

Rogue Trader Session 1-2

Rogue Trader Session 1-2 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kayne Lomelin (Arch Militant) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Besse Emmaus Kore (Void Master) – Kevin GM - Neil After meeting with the Adeptus Mechanicus...

Rogue Trader Session 1 It's our first official Rogue Trader game!  Neil takes the players on a dark ride through the 41st millennium Jarnan Morgun - Jon Emmaus Kore - Kevin Kayne Lomelin - Jesse Venari Hallerman - John GM- Neil

075 Jeff Barber Interview Upwind (Mp3) I’m talking with Jeff Barber of Biohazard Games about his current Kickstarter Upwind. Imagine Bakshi’s classic animated film Wizards has a head-on collision with Disney’s Treasure...

Star Frontiers Session 4 The Streel Inquiry – The Mikomi requires an enormous amount of supplies to support its 4,000 inhabitants (as well as the 8,000 still in cryogenic storage). It purchases goods from several friendly ports but over the last year...

Star Frontiers Session 2 John - Korass (Saurian) Vince - Logan (Human) Tim - Gluto (Dralasite) Jon - Tik Tik (Vrusk) Oscar - GM The guys take an all expenses paid trip to a hunting lodge on Fallow. Surely nothing bad could...