Leah Bond

The Greatest Vanishing Act

The Greatest Vanishing Act I was stunned to read the following headline that I thought I'd never see, a prime example of a disturbing trend, living in what has become our own tiny bubbles, creating our little personalized echo chambers. The CNN headline reads as such:...

Leah Looks at Lichtspeer!

Leah Looks at Lichtspeer!

Lichtspeer Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie Developer: Lichthund Publisher: Lichthund Release Date: Sep 27, 2016 Current price on Steam: $9.99, for the game only.  The brilliant soundtrack is available with the game in a bundle for $12.73.  Both selections can be...

Leah Looks at Many Things, Gets Excited Over UBOOT

Leah Looks at Many Things, Gets Excited Over UBOOT

Hi all! I know I have fallen under the shroud of silence as of late, but that doesn't mean I haven't been up to no good (that's generally the case.) Some of our friends at EnsenaSoft have been keeping themselves very busy, and now I have my hands full. Mahjong Deluxe...

UnderFed with UnderDread

UnderFed with UnderDread

UnderDread Released: March 1, 2016 Publisher: Bigzur Games Developer: Bigzur Games MSRP: $11.99, Steam http://store.steampowered.com/app/432240/ System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Windows XP SP2+, Windows 7,8, Mac OS X Processor: Core with SSE2 Memory: 2 GB RAM...

042 An Afternoon with Orrin

https://soundcloud.com/legends-of-tabletop/042-an-afternoon-with-orrin Greetings, fellow readers! It has been a while since I've posted much, a little longer than usual. Not to worry, I've been up to quite a bit since the last sharing of words and recordings here at...

Leah Looks at These

Leah Looks at These

Let’s face it: Sometimes things occur in spurts, and sometimes I feel I have been left with little choice but to share them all at once. It is wonderful when there is a bounty of things that hold my interest. They may not hold yours, but they hold mine. Let me share...

New Year, New Audio

So it has happened. Another year has come and gone, and yet, I still breathe. I do get a little bored with this whole breathing bit, there's got to be something else to occupy all of this... time. So here, I took a reading by Julia Morgan and made it into a radio-play...

Leah takes a look at Veiled Alliances!

Leah takes a look at Veiled Alliances!

Review and Interview w/Kimberly Unger, CEO of Bushi-go, the developer and publisher/Executive Producer! Veiled Alliances Released: October 16, 2015 Publisher: Bushi-Go Developer: Bushi-Go MSRP: The first segment or "appisode" is free to download from these outlets:...

009 – Interview With Oscar Rios

Where we discuss NecronomiCON 2015 and Tales of the Caribbean! [wpdevart_youtube]NmkMOHG3Paw[/wpdevart_youtube]   https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/golden-goblin-press/tales-of-the-caribbean?ref=nav_search

Mike Davis of the Lovecraft eZine Reschedule!

Okay, we're good now...sanity checks made and we're back in the real world...sort of. This Saturday, the 6th @ 9 PM Eastern Time, and live on Google Hangout, we're going to be talking life, love, and the pursuit of all things Lovecraft with the illustrious Mike Davis...