Legends of Tabletop

The MFGCast Presents: Space Lion Preview

The MFGCast Presents: Space Lion Preview

Join Traci and Kurt as they preview Space Lion, a space skirmish game by Solis Game Studio that is crowdfunding on Gamefound August 23rd! *Update: This game is actually being funded on Kickstarter. You can find the Kickstarter through Gamefound but to make things...

Leah Looks at: Mothwoman by Nicole Cushing

Leah Looks at: Mothwoman by Nicole Cushing

MothwomanAuthor: Nicole CushingGenres: Horror, NovelsPublisher: Word HordePublication: October 11, 2022Format: Trade PaperbackISBN: 9781956252040 The image above was artificially generated by me and does not represent the book. I remain unaware of cover art at the...

The MFGCast Presents Junk Drawer

Join Traci and Kurt as they talk to David and Travis from Winsmith Games about Junk Drawer, a great polyomino game about organizing your Junk Drawer, now on Kickstarter! Plus, we talk about some fun upcoming games that Winsmith has coming up in the future! Back Junk...

Leah looks at: TITAN by Mado Nozaki

Leah looks at: TITAN by Mado Nozaki

Leah Looks At: TITAN by Mado Nozaki. Translated by Evan Ward.Publisher: Seven Seas, Airship imprintDate Available: October 18, 2022Genre: Science Fiction, CyberpunkPreorder HEREIn 23rd Century Japan, almost all mental health issues have been addressed. Massive systems...

Gen Con 2022 Preview

The MFGCast can't go to Gen Con this year, unfortunately, but it doesn't mean we can't talk about the great games that are going to be featured there! Join us as we talk about the games that we hope will be making a big splash at Gen Con 2022.

The MFGCast Presents Roar and Write!

We're baaaaaccccckkk! After a nice vacation, The MFGCast is back and we're here to talk about Roar and Write!, a roll and write from Carla Kopp, published by Galactic Raptor Games. But does it stand up to the other great roll and writes out there? Find out here.

Leah Looks At: Foraging Mushrooms

Leah Looks At: Foraging Mushrooms

Foraging Mushrooms Identification Field Guide of the Pacific Northwest: Wild Edible Mushrooms and Recipes of North America (Regional Edible Foraging Series)By Bleu SaylesPublished May 30, 2022Part of: Regional Edible Foraging Series (2 books) In this fundamental...

The MFGCast Presents The Alphabet Game: K

The MFGCast Presents The Alphabet Game: K

We continue our alphabet game with the letter K! There are some fun games with the letter K including a great game by Rudiger Dorn and HABA, Karuba! We also talk about what we've playing recently including Mariposas, Creature Comforts, Bravo, and Gravwell!

Leah Looks At: Pteranodon Canyon

Leah Looks At: Pteranodon Canyon

Author Tim Meyer has granted me the opportunity to review “Pteranodon Canyon,” available April 19, 2022 from Evil Epoch Press. The Action/Adventure Western can be found HERE.Blood seeps through the opening scenes of “Pteranadon Canyon.” The harsh desolation of the...

The MFGCast Presents The Alphabet Game: J

We continue the smash hit Alphabet Game with the letter J! We have a surprising amount of J games to talk about including our focus game, Just One by Repos Production! Plus we talk about what we've been playing recently. Thanks for listening!

The MFGCast Presents: What Shall We Play?

Whether planning a game night yourself or meeting with a game group, knowing your players and what to bring is key. Join Traci and Kurt as they talk about communicating with your other players to have fun playing games in different situations. Thanks for listening and...

Leah Looks At: Death Becomes YOU

Leah Looks At: Death Becomes YOU

GENRE: Adventure, Casual, IndieDEVELOPER/PUBLISHER: Quill Game StudiosRELEASE DATE: Nov 9, 2021MATURE CONTENT DESCRIPTIONThe developers describe the content as such:Dark themes: death, murder, blood, emotional manipulation. Some of the illustrations contain blood, but...

MFGCast Presents: Way Too Many Cats Preview

Join Traci and Kurt as they talk about Way Too Many Cats, coming to Kickstarter Feb. 22 by Weird Giraffe Games. Open drafting, push your luck, and set collection are on the menu for this fun game where you are managers at an adoption agency showing off those cute...