Vince and I chat with Stefan Pokorny of Dwarven Forge.
Fear Itself Session 3 part 2 John - Erin Shaughnessy Kurt - Randy Anders Brett - Jack Crandal Neil - GM After successfully purchasing their shotguns and ammo at Walmart the guys head back to Jack's place to rehash the plan...
051 Legends of Tabletop Interview with Oscar Rios, Heroes of Red Hook (Mp3) I talk with Oscar Rios about his newest kickstarter Heroes of Red Hook. A collection of jazz era cosmic horror short stories featuring immigrant, minority, female, LGBT, and other outsider...
Fear Itself Session 3 Part 1 John - Erin Shaughnessy Kurt - Randy Anders Brett - Jack Crandal Neil - GM It’s the planning session! After leaving the reservation the guys head to the diner to discuss their next move....
050 RPG designers Round Table (Mp3) Jesse, from the Dragon Fisters podcast, and I are talking with Ken Hite and Oscar Rios about game design. Will we get a word in edgewise? Tune in and find out!...
Deathwatch Final Sanction Session 1 Part 5 Deathwatch Final Sanction Tad – Brother Lucian Me – Brother Skold Silentstrider M - Brother Gregor Mike - Brother Elias Freaky – Brother Sepheiron Andy - GM Join us this week for the...
049 Interview with Michael from easy Roller Dice Co. (Mp3) I talked with Michael about Easy Roller Dice Company, games and a bunch of other stuff.
Deathwatch Final Sanction Session 1 Part 4 Deathwatch Final Sanction Tad – Brother Lucian John – Brother Skold Silentstrider M - Brother Gregor Mike - Brother Elias Freaky – Brother Sepheiron Andy - GM Kill Team Epsilom finds...
Deathwatch Session 1 Part 3 Deathwatch Final Sanction Tad – Brother Lucian Me – Brother Skold Silentstrider M - Brother Gregor Mike - Brother Elias Freaky – Brother Sepheiron Andy - GM The battle brothers grill...
047 Legends of Tabletop Interview with James Lowder (Mp3) We’re going to be talking with ENnie and Origin award winner James Lowder. His novels include Prince of Lies, The Ring of Winter, and Spectre of the Black Rose (the latter...
Deathwatch Final Sanction Session 1 Part 2 Deathwatch Final Sanction Tad – Brother Lucian John – Brother Skold Silentstrider M - Brother Gregor Mike - Brother Elias Freaky – Brother Sepheiron Andy - GM The battle brothers find...
Deathwatch Final Sanction Part 1 Tad – Brother Lucian John – Brother Skold Silentstrider M - Brother Gregor Mike - Brother Elias Freaky – Brother Sepheiron Andy - GM Avalos rests on the edge of the Orpheus Salient between...
046 Legends of Tabletop “Meet the Hosts” Interview with Gamerstable Brandi (mp3) We talk to Brandi from Gamerstable. The stream died out at about 11 minutes in so we lost a little bit of the show. I cleaned it up as best as I could....
046 Legends of Tabletop “Meet the Hosts” Interview with Brandi Part 2
Fear Itself Session 2 Part 3
[soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="150" iframe="true" /] As Fridays date night approaches...
Fear Itself Session 2 Part 2 Erin – John Jack – Brett Randy – Kurt Neil - GM Jack and Erin head home from Randy’s after setting up a meeting with the person/creature they think is responsible for the death of their friend...
044 Legends of Tabletop Interview with Jim and Mike from Goodman Games (Mp3) We talk with Michael Curtis and Jim Wampler about the exciting stuff happening at Goodman Games.
Fear Itself Session 2 Part 1 The guys try to pick up the pieces after experiencing their first real brush with the supernatural. Randy throws himself deeper into researching the creature. Jack takes off on a long distance...
043 Legend of Tabletop Interview with Caleb Stokes Red Markets (Mp3) I am going to be taking with game designer and fellow podcaster Caleb Stokes about his new RPG, Red Markets. It's a game of economic horror set in a...
Fear Itself Session 1 Part 3 The guys mix it up with a crackhead who provides some key information about Steve's whereabouts. It brings them closer to solving the mystery of Steve's disappearance but also brings them closer...
041 Legends of Tabletop Interview with Zac from Chronica AoE (Mp3 Version) We’re going to talk with Zac about his Kickstarter Chronica Age of Exploration a Pathfinder compatable campaign setting. Chronica AoE is a what-if...
041 Legends of Tabletop Interview with Zac from Chronica Age of Exploration We're going to talk with Zac about his Kickstarter Chronica Age of Exploration a Pathfinder compatable campaign setting. Chronica AoE is a what-if alternate history set in the 16th and 17th centuries....
The Polyhedron Society – Star Wars Episode 13 Reunited
Star Wars Episode 13 Reunited The crew of the Last Ride is finally reunited along with the creature known as Data. Riskyr now out that the talking Lothcat is not imaginary and that Data is a mechanical genius? The crew also learns that Data is capable of great acts of...
Fear Itself Session 1 Part 2 Randy, Jack and Erin head out to the cemetery where Jason is already waiting. Randy has an "accident" that requires a change of clothes before they get run off. Once they are safely back at...
040 Legends of Tabletop Writers Roundtable (Mp3) We get weird with Lovecraftian authors Pete Rawlik, Mike Davis and Rick Lai.
Fear Itself Session 1 Part 1
Have a supernatural problem? Who you gonna call? No not the Ghostbusters, the Ghostfacers. This youtube sensation is made up of four friends on the lookout for spooks, specters and fame. What they find maybe more then they bargained for. Gamertable Eric - Jason...
Fear Itself Session 2
039 Legends of Tabletop Interview with Dave (RocktheGolem) Mp3 We're going to be chatting with Dave, better known to some as RocktheGolem. Dave is a member of The Dragon Fisters Podcast, he is RocktheGolem on Youtube playing...
039 Legends of Tabletop Interview with Dave from RocktheGolem We're going to be chatting with Dave, better known to some as RocktheGolem. Dave is a member of The Dragon Fisters Podcast, he is RocktheGolem on Youtube playing various video games for your pleasure and he is also a new up...
Old World Campaign Part 4
Now it's time to take it to the enemy. The party storms the vessel before they can mount a response and then try to figure out what to do in the middle of the ocean with a mostly destroyed ship and a dearth of time. Theme music created by Brett Miller...