John Haremza

Cypher System Session 8 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse Use Code Legends10 to get 10% off your order!

136 Leah Speaks with Joshua Chaplinsky Join Leah as she attempts to heroically irritate and pester Joshua Chaplinsky. Joshua is the Managing Editor of the always stellar resource LitReactor and has penned many provoking tales, of which we will discuss. More can be discovered...

Rogue Trader Session 8-2 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kynnoch (Navigator) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Jon Emmaus Kore (Void Master) – Kevin GM – Neil The shuttle pilot attempts to pull up as the bear/bat...

DayTrippers Session 7

Jack Nash – John Charles (Chip) Parsons – Jesse Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) GM- Tod Foley While Chip undergoes detox at Diaspora Ranch, Nash and Reggie (under their new identities) meet with the guys from DarkMatter Inc to discuss their situation, and a plan is put...

Rogue Trader Session 11 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kynnoch (Navigator) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Jon Emmaus Kore (Void Master) – Kevin GM – Neil The crew of the Heretics Bane sets off on a mission to reclaim a newly rediscovered agro-world...

Rogue Trader Session 8-1 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kynnoch (Navigator) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Jon Emmaus Kore (Void Master) – Kevin GM – Neil After a fairly savage mauling by some of the native...

Cypher System Session 7 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse The Bitter Mother is reeling from another attack, Captain Draggert is unconscious and Pivel is nowhere to be found.  With things falling down around them it's...

135 C.P. Dunphey – Gehenna & Hinnom Leah is going to be chatting with author and editor C.P. Dunphey. C.P. Dunphey is the author of the critically acclaimed science fiction/horror novel Plane Walker, editor-in-chief and founder of Gehenna & Hinnom Books, Editor for the...

Cypher System Session 4-2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse When Valos finds Draggert he is unconscious after having been savaged by one of the rasters.   Pivel is muttering to...

Cypher System Session 4-1 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse With the klaxon blaring away Myra slowly snaps herself out of her stupor. Assessing the situation, her first move is...

133 Daniel McKinley – Hit Me (Mp3) I talked with Daniel McKinley the designer of Hit Me along with the artist for the project, Trevor. Hit Me! is a 2-4 player card game that plays in 5-10 minutes. It is a quick push-your-luck filler...

133 Daniel McKinley – Hit Me I'm going to be talking with Daniel McKinley the designer of Hit Me along with the artist for the project, Trevor. Hit Me! is a 2-4 player card game that plays in 5-10 minutes. It is a quick push-your-luck filler with community...

Cypher System Session 6 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse Maybe Decurro and Valos are going to sneak in to see Captain Draggert? Use Code...

Writing Non-Stale Mythos Tales WRITING NON-STALE MYTHOS TALES - Cthulhu is a plush toy, a bobble-head, slippers and action figures. How can today’s writers escape this ‘normalization’ of a creature whose very existence is...

132 Andrew Long – Arizona Game Fair I'm going to be talking with Andrew Long Founder of Arizona Game Fair, a new gaming convention on the Arizona scene.

The future of the TCG genre by Leandro Tokarevski

We have a guest article from Leandro Tokarevski from TokArts, creator of Multiverse: Cosmic Conquest. The future of the TCG genre Since the inception of the genre, when Richard Garfield created Magic: the Gathering in 1993, a large number of trading card games have...

131 Adam Scott Glancy (Mp3)

Leah and John talk with Adam Scott Glancy about the Horrors of War Kickstarter, politics and various and sundry other topics.

131 Adam Scott Glancy Interview

Leah and John will be talking with Adam Scott Glancy today!  Actually we already talked to Scott, I never posted the link to the website.

DayTrippers Session 6 Jack Nash – John Charles (Chip) Parsons – Jesse Reggie Carlisle – John (Beta) GM- Tod Foley After the successful mission to retrieve Joan Marlow the guys try and regroup and make their next move. Chip has been inadvertently hooked on Zoom...

130 Mike Goodman (Mp3) Vince and I had the opportunity to interview Mike Goodman. No not that Mike Goodman but a friend of Vince's who been involved with the SCA for 25 years.  He's a gamer, blogger and swordsman, as well as a...