
Deathwatch Oblivions Edge Part 4 Brother Skold – John H Brother Lucian – Tad Brother Gregor – Silent Strider Brother Seraphim – Freaky Brother Zada – Mike Brother Zahariel – Neil GM - Andy With the top of the dam secure, Kill...

Deathwatch Session 1 Part 3 Deathwatch Final Sanction Tad – Brother Lucian Me – Brother Skold Silentstrider M - Brother Gregor Mike - Brother Elias Freaky – Brother Sepheiron Andy - GM The battle brothers grill...

Deathwatch Final Sanction Part 1 Tad – Brother Lucian John – Brother Skold Silentstrider M - Brother Gregor Mike - Brother Elias Freaky – Brother Sepheiron Andy - GM Avalos rests on the edge of the Orpheus Salient between...