Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kayne Lomelin (Arch Militant) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Jon Emmaus Kore (Void Master) – Kevin GM – Neil Use Code Legends10 to get 10% off your...
Actual Play
Rogue Trader Session 5-1 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kayne Lomelin (Arch Militant) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Jon Emmaus Kore (Void Master) – Kevin GM – Neil The Heretics Bane slowly orbits Footfall while...
Daytrippers Session 2-2 (The Dreamdeck Conspiracy) Jack Nash – John Benjamin T. Fitch – Vince Charles (Chip) Parsons - Jesse GM- Tod Foley There’s no answer at Suzie’s when Nash rings the bell so Fitch decides to just walk in. Suzie is sitting on the...
Daytrippers Session 2-1 (The Dreamdeck Conspiracy) Jack Nash – John Benjamin T. Fitch – Vince Charles (Chip) Parsons - Jesse GM- Tod Foley Since the last mission Nash was in a haze, ultimately coming to the edge of suicide. As he returns from the brink...
Fear Itself Session 12 Jack Crandall – Brett Randy Anders – Kurt Erin Shaughnessy – John GM – Neil The guys break in and try and collect themselves an alien. Use Code Legends10 to get 10% off your order!
Cypher System Session 3 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse Still a few days from Hielund, what other trouble can our lovable band of miscreants get up to? Use Code Legends10 to...
Fear Itself Session 11-2 Jack Crandall – Brett Randy Anders – Kurt Erin Shaughnessy – John GM – Neil Randy’s troubles continue as he is forced outside and his keys are stolen. Pushed to the edge of fight or flight Randy opts...
Fear Itself Session 11-1 The guys are frustrated by a post card from Edward that indicates the blood sample they sent was….inconclusive. They are told to get a pure blood sample or the drug itself, no easy task. The...
Cypher System Session 1-2 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM - Jesse Milo stealthily follows First Mate Pivel around the ship and eventual back to his room. Trying to be...
Daytrippers Session 2 (The Dreamdeck Conspiracy) Jack Nash – John Benjamin T. Fitch – Vince Charles (Chip) Parsons - Jesse GM- Tod Foley Use Code Legends10 to get 10% off your order! Theme music created by Brett Miller...
Cypher System Session 1-1 Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurros Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM – Jesse Decurros Laren has recently found a power source while exploring. Always looking to make a buck...
Rogue Trader Session 6 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kayne Lomelin (Arch Militant) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Besse Emmaus Kore (Void Master) - Kevin GM – Neil The crew of the Heretic's Bane spends a few weeks on Footfall having their ship...
Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Session 6-2 Kyrixes Goldenflame – John Spritle Chudforth – Dan Njorvold Anvilesmite – James Graavor Corgretor - Burt Diro Kalamire – Gabe Sled - Aaron DM – Vince Sled picks up the ring and puts it on. The...
Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Session 7 The Brotherhood of the Honest Coin make their way back to Neverwinter.
Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Session 6-1 Kyrixes Goldenflame – John Spritle Chudforth – Dan Njorvold Anvilesmite – James Graavor Corgretor - Burt Diro Kalamire – Gabe Sled - Aaron DM – Vince After defeating the skeleton guardians,...
Rogue Trader Session 4-2 Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kayne Lomelin (Arch Militant) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Besse Emmaus Kore (Void Master) - Kevin GM – Neil The team spreads out and determines the...
Fear Itself Session 10-2 Jack Crandall - Brett Erin Shaughnessy - John Randy Anders – Kurt GM - Neil The guys make their way back across town to the alley and equip Jared with all of the spy equipment. Randy uses his phone as...
Fear Itself Session 11 After a fun day in Philly the guys wait for further orders from their secret contact, Edward (not a sparkly vampire). Jack Crandall - Brett Erin Shaughnessy - John Randy Anders – Kurt GM - Neil Use Code...
Fear Itself Session 10-1 Jack Crandall - Brett Erin Shaughnessy - John Randy Anders – Kurt GM - Neil With their “prisoner” secured Randy, Jack and Erin start driving around Philly trying to figure out what to do. Erin turns...
Cypher System Session 0 (Mp3) Join us as we begin our journey into a new campaign set in Jesse’s homebrew world using Cypher System. Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM - Jesse When...
Cypher System Session 1 Tonight begins our journey into a new and fantastic world. Our adventure begins on-board the ship, The Bitter Mother. Valos (Shadow Raven) - John Myra - Dani Decurro Laren - John Milo Sonder - Trevor GM - Jesse...
5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons Session 5-2 Kyrixes Goldenflame – John Spritle Chudforth – Dan Njorvold Anvilesmite – James Graavor Corgretor - Burt Diro Kalamire – Gabe Sled - Aaron DM – Vince Spritle and Graavor search the...
5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons Session 5-1 Kyrixes Goldenflame – John Spritle Chudforth – Dan Njorvold Anvilesmite – James Diro Kalamire – Gabe Graavor Corgretor - Burt Sled - Aaron DM – Vince The newly incorporated...
Rogue Trader Session 4 Tonight the crew of the Heretic's Bane confront the warp tainted Rogue Trader Harstack. Venari Hallerman (Rogue Trader) – John Kayne Lomelin (Arch Militant) – Jesse Jarnan Morgun (Missionary) – Besse Emmaus Kore (Void Master) - Kevin GM –...
Rogue Trader Session 3-2 Descending into the broken wreckage of Harstack’s cruiser the party is greeted by the soft red glow of the emergency lights. It’s slow going as they make their way through the labyrinthine passages...
Rogue Trader Session 3-1 The crew of the Heretics Bane makes its preparations to follow Rogue Trader Harstack. Following the trajectory that they were given they make the jump into the warp, which the navigator estimates will...
5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons Session 6 Kyrixes Goldenflame – John Spritle Chudforth – Dan Njorvold Anvilesmite – James Diro Kalamire – Gabe Sled - Aaron DM – Vince
Cypher System Campaign Session 0 Jesse, GM of the Dragon Fisters, is going to be running a Cypher System campaign for the Legends of Tabletop podcast! Join us tonight for Session 0 A world finally settling in, after darkness reigned. Magic had been torn from the world...
Day Trippers Session 1-3 (Dream Job) As Ben bursts through the door he notices that the sky darkens and seems to almost recoil from his presence. Nash wrestles with his feelings of inadequacy but is able to pull himself back from the...
Fear Itself Session 10 Jack Crandall - Brett Erin Shaughnessy - John Randy Anders - Kurt GM - Neil